Jean-Christophe Bonicard


I believe in creating solutions that don’t just solve problems, but open new markets.

My grandpa would say that everything can be done, you just have to figure out how. It’s only a matter of time.

Very proud that my companies have some pretty cool clients and are recognized by

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I tried Substack, creating personal websites, and doing a thousand different things to be 'like others'—even using social media and posting silly things to get likes. But it doesn't suit me. It's boring, it's nonsense for so many reasons, so I created a hub.

Companies, Projects, Life

Companies, Projects, Life

No Bullshit

I have spent 20 years of my life trying out over 100 innovating ideas.

Some people will tell you it's easy, others will claim they have a miracle 3-step process to get you where you want to go. It's all nonsense— from KPIs to fake degrees, from 'cool guys' to real scammers. Entrepreneurship is about creating value. It's long, it's hard, and it will consume everything if you don’t do it right.

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Local time in London, United Kingdom

Local time in London, United Kingdom

Jean-Christophe Bonicard


Jean-Christophe Bonicard


Jean-Christophe Bonicard
